PREMIUM VAGINAL & VULVA CARE: Restore vaginal moisture and comfort with our quick-melting, long-lasting, and deeply hydrating natural suppositories!
HEALTHY NATURAL INGREDIENTS ONLY: Organic coconut oil, Vitamin E, and other botanical ingredients. Femallay vaginal suppositories are chemical-free, safe, luxurious & effective.
CONVENIENCE IS KEY: Easy to use and conveniently packaged suppositories with applicator for simple insertion. Once inserted, they melt fast and last and last. Everything you want and need in a personal vaginal and vulva moisturizer!
FOR YOU AND THE EARTH: Naturally antimicrobial and hypoallergenic, we stay clear of the fillers, hormones, dyes, and other yucky ingredients for your health and happiness. Gluten-free, botanical, and vegan for your benefit and the earth's!
INCLUDED IN EACH PACKAGE: 14 Individually Sealed Single-Use Vaginal Suppositories + 1 Reusable Suppository Applicator - Love 'em or your money back!